AoE Healing.

I just, well an hour ago, made a post where I mentioned I wished I had a little better AoE healing in groups. Well, I found it: Spinning Crane Kick. It’s awesome. I can position myself in the middle of the group and DPS and Heal at the same time. Finally I am getting to play how I wanted to as a Monk since I first heard about the class, DPS as Heals.

Spinning Crane kick works very easily, hit it and heal a group over time. Very similar to Healing Rain. The difference is that it’s a channeled spell for three seconds and that the channel is currently uninterruptable. You are able to move while you channel it but the way to cancel it is to click off the buff. I assume that it can be macro’d to be cancelled that way but I’m not sure. If it is possible it’s something I’ll be looking into. Spinning Crane Kick costs 1 Chi, which makes it even more appealing to me. One of the things I feel is missing is some more Chi based heals.

Now I know that Spinning Crane Kick seems like a very obvious thing to have missed, it is right there in the spell book and the heal is listed on Teaching of the Monastery. It’s mentioned twice, how could I not see it? Well, if you haven’t been on beta the spell book is a giant mess. There are three tabs and only one of them has the abilities available to you. ALL the abilities. Spells you can use are listed alphabetically, then the passive ones. Passive abilities include racials, spec based abilities and guild perks. I have 31 abilities listed on 6 pages. I don’t feel as bad about missing them.

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